China proposes a “third batch” of international gambling blacklist measures


China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism has announced plans to implement a “third batch” of blacklist measures. It aims at overseas tourist destinations that it claims are targeting Chinese citizens for gambling activities.

According to a brief announcement posted late Friday on the Ministry’s website, the measures are a collaborative effort between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the National Immigration Administration, and the Civil Aviation Administration of China.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has mentioned the existence of such a blacklist three times now. When it was first announced in August 2020, the Ministry stated that the blacklist would impose travel restrictions on specific overseas cities and scenic areas that were “endangering the personal and property safety of Chinese citizens.”

It also stated that it was “strengthening business jet and charter flight management.”

However, China has yet to name any blacklisted destinations. But analysts believe it is primarily targeting emerging Southeast Asian gaming jurisdictions such as the Philippines and Vietnam.





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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