Feds OK new Arizona tribal casino and sports betting agreement

casino and sports betting agreement

PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) — After the US Department of the Interior approved an updated tribal gaming compact with the state, gambling on sporting events and online fantasy sports betting became legal in Arizona on Monday. Also, many new gambling options became available at the tribal casinos.

The approval puts emergency legislation signed by Gov. Doug Ducey in April into effect as a counterpart to the new tribal gambling agreement. The tribes will be able to expand their casino gambling offerings and offer sports and fantasy betting. It was all possible after a deal signed by the Republican governor.

The approval by the Interior Department’s Bureau of Indian Affairs was the final cog needed for the gambling options to become fully legal in the state. However, pro teams will have to obtain state-issued licenses and set up operations.

Under the gaming compact approved by Arizona voters in 2002, the tribes fought hard to keep their exclusive right to most gambling in the state. That protection will continue under the new agreement.

In addition to new sports and online betting, the tribes can now expand their gambling offerings. For instance, they can add games like Baccarat and Craps. They can also increase the number of slot machines while maintaining existing blackjack and poker offerings.





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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