Germany – Flood damage so severe that Bad Neuenahr casino may need to relocate

Bad Neuenahr casino

With estimated damage of €7m to €8m, the chances of the casino in Bad Neuenahr reopening after the floods in the German state of Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler are slim.

The casino building is located directly on the banks of the River Ahr, and the damage is so severe that it is questionable whether the casino will still exist in the spa town.

“We are in the process of saving what can still be saved,” said Michael Seegert, Managing Director of the casino.

The upper floor was safe from water, but the slot rooms filled up to the ceiling. The casino was designed to withstand flooding. The protection along the Ahr was strengthened in 2004 and 2005. This allowed the river to rise 25 centimeters above the highest level ever measured.

Mr. Seegert is now questioning whether it is still justifiable to run a public facility in such a location. It accommodates 500 to 600 guests. On the night of the disaster, the casino quickly realized that something bad was happening.





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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