Germany — The DSbV’s new chairwoman lays forth a three-point action plan for the German casino industry.


Kerstin Kosanke, the new Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of the German Casino Association DSbV, has laid out a three-point plan for the industry to recover from the pandemic, new legislation, and the shift to online gambling.

The DSbV serves the interests of nine casino firms with around 3,100 employees in 35 locations across eight federal states. It takes stands on issues such as player protection, gaming law, the economics of gambling, future technologies, the Internet, and gambling.

“The state casinos work in the middle of society; they stand for transparency and professionalism,” Ms. Kosanke explained. “New gaming legislation, the move to digitized gaming and the effects of the Coronavirus pandemic present state casinos with new challenges.”

Ms. Kosanke is looking at a three-point plan.

“If regular gaming is possible again after the acute corona threat has ended, we will take stock of the economy. And we will examine to what extent the gaming behavior of the citizens has changed,” stated Ms. Kosanke.

“Second, we will focus on the Internet market in order to distinguish the social and cultural significance of stationary providers, but also our competencies in consumer and player protection from others. The digital transformation and gaming on the Internet are no longer new territory for casinos either. The expansion of online casinos and sports betting providers requires a clear long-term positioning of the legal casinos.

”Third, the State Treaty on Gambling, which has been regulating online gambling since July 1st, will be assessed after the first year: We welcome the State Treaty on Gambling now all game formats are treated equally and the legal uncertainty is resolved. It is now a matter of accompanying the drafting of the contract, for example with regard to the planned central supervisory authority. We will particularly look at the market conditions for state-licensed gaming.

“We will particularly look at the market conditions for state-licensed gaming. The State Treaty on Gambling now treats all game formats equally and resolves the legal uncertainty. It is now a matter of accompanying the drafting of the contract, for example with regard to the planned central supervisory authority. We will particularly look at the market conditions for state-licensed gaming. The State Treaty on Gambling now treats all game formats equally and resolves the legal uncertainty. It is now a matter of accompanying the drafting of the contract, for example with regard to the planned central supervisory authority. We will particularly look at the market conditions for state-licensed gaming. We will also use our own terrestrial expertise to take a stand online. The digitization of society does not stop at casinos,” concluded Ms. Kosanke.




Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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