IBIA releases a multi-language Optimum Betting research in Latin America.


The Optimum Betting Market report has been translated into Spanish and Portuguese by the International Betting Integrity Association (IBIA).

The report offers a unique look at best-practice betting regulation schemes from throughout the world, as well as an analysis of market and integrity statistics from IBIA operators covering $137 billion (€115 billion) in annual betting turnover.

The translations have been provided to aid the development of betting policy consideration across Spanish and Portuguese speaking Latin America, in addition to adding to the continuing betting market and integrity conversation in Spain and Portugal. To that purpose, the study evaluates existing regulatory regimes in Colombia, Mexico, and Argentina, with the hope of assisting the establishment of betting regulation in other regional nations like Brazil.

The Latin American betting market was evaluated at $1.3 billion (€1.1 billion) in a gross win in 2020 by H2 Gambling Capital, and it is expected to nearly triple to $3.4 billion (€2.9 billion) by 2025.

The burgeoning Latin American sports betting market is an increasingly important focus for IBIA members’ business operations. It is also unfortunately the focus of corrupters seeking to manipulate sporting events to defraud betting operators. Indeed, between 2017 and the end of the third quarter of 2021, IBIA alerted the relevant authorities to 112 cases of suspicious betting across 15 Latin American countries and four different sports. ” Khalid Ali, CEO of IBIA ” It is hoped that this report will provide some assistance to Latin American policymakers, sports, and betting operators in responding to the threat to the integrity of sport and to developing effective betting regulation. Integrity has been a core part of the betting market discussion in North America, with the integrity standards recently published by Ontario seen as a best practice model; IBIA would like to see this focus and approach replicated across Latin America and beyond. ”

The research was carried out by H2 Gaming Capital, a major global gambling data and intelligence organization, which was tasked with evaluating various betting legal frameworks around the world. As project partners, the gambling trade groups BOS, EGBA, Jdigital, and NOGA were also involved. The study, which is now available in three languages: English, Spanish, and Portuguese, aims to:

• investigate the impact of product limits on regulated operators

• calculate the cost of match-fixing to regulated operators

• present an optimal betting market solution in the form of ten regulatory pillars

The study on the Optimum Betting Market, as well as related animation visuals, may be viewed here. Quarterly reports covering the integrity alarms reported by IBIA’s monitoring and alert technology are available here. You may see the Spanish version here. Also included is a Portuguese translation.

IBIA can be reached by email at info@ibia.bet.




Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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