Imperial Pacific demands judicial review into suspension of Saipan operating license

Imperial Pacific

Imperial Pacific International, the operator of a casino in Saipan, requested a judicial review of the Commonwealth Casino Commission (CCC) of the Northern Mariana Islands’ indefinite suspension of its casino license.

In its filing, Imperial Pacific stated, “Pursuant to the force majeure clause in the Casino License Agreement, the Licensee need not pay the Annual License Fee in the event of natural disasters. But, the Commonwealth Casino Commission raised concerns, claiming that the pandemic doesn’t qualify as a natural disaster or force majeure.

“The Licensee filed a review with the Saipan Superior Court to determine if the pandemic is a natural disaster or a force majeure. Hence, if the pandemic is either of it, the Licensee will not need to pay the Annual License Fee.”





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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