Louisiana: Shreveport casinos will go smoke-free on August 1


The potential repeal of a portion of legislation approved last year prohibited smoking in city businesses. This was a hot topic at Tuesday’s City Council meeting. The amended legislation would have exempted Shreveport casinos from the law, which takes effect on Aug. 1.

The City Council’s decision on the matter, however, became a cliffhanger. After more than two hours of public comment, citizens, organizational leaders, and casino employees pleaded with the council to maintain the smoking ban and not give casinos a break.

When it came time to vote, Council Chairman James Flurry proposed a compromise that would have allowed the two Shreveport casinos to continue to allow smoking in their facilities. But there was a condition that they will create a third-floor smoke-free area. Members of the audience were dissatisfied with that suggestion.

As a result, Flurry backtracked and called for an “up or down” vote on his amendment to exempt casinos from the smoke-free ban. The vote was 4 to 3.





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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