MGM Springfield will open venue for sports betting if Massachusetts legalises sports betting

MGM Springfield

Today marked the third anniversary of the MGM Springfield casino’s opening with a look into the future of gambling in Massachusetts.

The doors of the $1 billion resort casino complex in downtown Springfield opened to the public three years ago, never to be closed again – or so it was said at the time.

That plan was thrown off by the coronavirus pandemic. The casino was closed for four months in 2020, displacing 2,000 people. Last winter and spring, curfews and capacity limits were imposed. The hotel and some of the other amenities were only recently reopened.

Chris Kelly, President and COO of MGM Springfield, stated that the casino is poised for a strong comeback.

“Our best days are still ahead of us,” Kelly said.





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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