No shortage of Saipan casino interest if Imperial Pacific decommissioned

Imperial Pacific International

Imperial Pacific International (IPI) and its continued presence in Saipan are in danger. If the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) is worried about not being able to find someone to replace the embattled casino operator, those fears can now be put to rest.

The Commonwealth Casino Commission (CCC) surveyed the casino industry to see if anyone else wanted to fill in the void. It discovered that finding a replacement would not be an issue.

Imperial Palace is now a rough diamond. IPI promised the CNMI legislators the moon in exchange for the rights to offer an expanded gaming property. But it has yet to deliver on any of its promises. A lack of funds and ongoing lawsuits are exacerbating the situation. Still, no relief appears to be on the horizon.

As a result of repeatedly demonstrating its inability to comply with rules and regulations, IPI is in danger of permanently losing its casino license, which has already been suspended.





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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