Premier League Teams to Address the Problem of Gambling Company Jersey Sponsorships

Premier League clubs will discuss the impact of shirt sponsorship on gambling at a shareholder meeting on Thursday.

Last year, a House of Lords committee endorsed that gambling operators need no longer promote gambling on the shirts of sports activities groups or any different phase of their package from 2023.


The authorities launched a wide-ranging overview of gambling guidelines last year. Their name for proof ends on March 31.

Clubs are due to get hold of an update on findings around shirt sponsorship and gambling addiction.

 A spokesperson for the Department for Digital Culture, Media & Sport (DCMS) informed Sky Sports News: 


“We are presently doing a complete evaluation of playing legal guidelines to make sure they match for the digital age. A public name for evidence is open for contributions. We are sure that we will abolish program gambling in all its varieties. The work will construct upon our tuned document of introducing measures to defend these at-risk”. 

Premier League chief executive Richard Masters says there is a need to be balanced.


“If there wants to be a rebalancing, that is fine. However, we are not in favor of a prohibition on sponsorship either of football clubs or different sports activities clubs. Our clubs have betting partnerships but are not necessarily as a dependent, in quantum terms, as EFL clubs. Masters told a parliamentary inquiry in November 2020. I believe they activate their partnership responsibly. I suppose you are seeing a factor of self-regulation on behalf of the making a bet and playing businesses at the second as well.”


EFL Chair Rick Parry has warned of the impact on finances if gambling sponsorship is prohibited instantly. 

Parry advised MPs: “It would be catastrophic if it got here overnight. It would create major difficulties. Phased-in overtime, teams would want to locate a way to adapt. If any modifications had been to come in quickly, important issues would arise.”

He repeated that playing sponsorship is a “significant source” of income, really worth at least £40m.




Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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