Ukraine — The campaign Gaming Industry for Ukraine wants to raise £250,000 for Ukrainian refugees.


The gaming industry has banded together to launch a massive fundraising campaign to aid persons affected by the present military activity in Ukraine.

The Gaming Industry for Ukraine campaign intends to raise £250,000 for Choose Love’s Ukraine Crisis Fundraiser, which supports programs that help refugees displaced by Russia’s intervention into Ukraine. You can make a donation by going to this link.

Over 350,000 people have fled Ukraine in the last week, and Choose Love is raising funds to support those providing critical aid and services to those still in and fleeing the country, such as emergency medical care, food, shelter, clothing, legal assistance, LGBTQIA+ community support, and mental health support.

All sectors of the gaming business have shown a strong desire to aid the people of Ukraine during this trying moment. This is why numerous gambling organizations have collaborated to create a method that would allow anyone to contribute to the people of Ukraine through this GoFundMe campaign.

A spokesperson for Gaming Industry for Ukraine explained: “Most organizations employ people from Ukraine, or have done business in the region, shared a drink with them and above all have made friends with them.

“The global gambling industry is a family and what has become clear over the past few days is the strength of responsibility it feels in providing support to the people of Ukraine, which is why we have started this campaign to allow us to work together to make it easier for that to happen.

“After extensive research, we concluded that Choose Love will make use of the funds raised in the quickest and most efficient manner by assisting those who need it the most. We know many have launched their own inspiring efforts but we set this up for those who weren’t sure how to get involved and which raise to choose for fast and effective support. By working collectively, we can also show how the industry can be a force for good.”

The effort is collecting more than simply cash donations. Companies holding unused promotional products, such as power banks, towels, water bottles, and apparel, are encouraged to send them in to aid the relief effort. Many companies will have unused goods from planned promotional campaigns for events that didn’t happen during the last couple of years, and this merchandise can provide a huge boost for migrants who have left everything behind.




Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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