US – Nevada slots at historic high as June brings another $1bn plus month


The recovery from the pandemic has continued in Nevada, where state casinos made more than $1bn in revenue for the fourth consecutive month in June, thanks to local casinos and a record slot haul. They generated more than they did before the pandemic in 2019 and missed out on the best month ever in May. The only market that did not grow was the Las Vegas Strip.

According to the Nevada Gaming Control Board, casinos generated $1.19bn in June, more than doubling the $567m reported in the same month of 2020 and exceeding the $1.04bn generated in June 2019.

“Every market grew over June 2019, except the Las Vegas Strip,” said Michael Lawton, senior analyst with the Nevada Gaming Control Board. The Strip was down compared to June 2019, but it made a great comeback for the quarter—the Strip’s third best quarter ever.”

The Strip still made more than half of all casino winnings in the state, but it was 1% lower.





Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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