Work on the new Middelkere casino in Belgium has begun.

Middelkere casino in Belgium

Last Monday, work on a new casino in the shape of a harbour bollard began in the Belgian town of Middelkere, with a planned expenditure of €42 million.

On the town’s sea promenade, a new casino is being erected on the place of an old one. It will accommodate 1,700 people over four storeys, including a big gaming floor, a terrace, a foyer, meeting spaces, an underground parking garage, and a 60-room hotel. The grand opening will take place on December 23, 2023.

Mayor Jean-Marie Dedecker (LDD) and Flemish Mobility Minister Lydia Peeters performed the symbolic groundbreaking ceremony (Open VLD).

“With this architectural grandeur project, we are returning to the glory of the interwar period,” Mayor Dedecker stated. The new casino will be much more than just a pretty structure. I believe it will boost local commerce, tourism appeal, and recreational value for both residents and visitors. Middelkerke’s economy is based on tourism, hence speed is crucial.”

The massive infrastructure project was conceived in the shape of a harbor bollard by Dutch architects Zwarts en Jansma.




Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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