YouGov data shows 37% of participants want casino employees to wear masks


According to data published by YouGov, 37% of the global population prefers to see casino employees wearing face masks.

The data was gathered from interviews with adults aged 18 and up in 17 markets.

Even if 60% of the population was vaccinated, YouGov asked guests if they would want staff to wear face masks.

Even though more than half of the population has been vaccinated, an average of 37% of adults who chose casinos said they would like to see face masks.

Mexico, Spain, and Singapore had the highest percentages of votes in favor of masks, each with more than 50%. Meanwhile, the United Kingdom and the United States were slightly lower, at 46 percent and 45 percent, respectively.

Nearly 70% of the population in the United Kingdom has received the first dose of the Covid-19 vaccine. The opening of casinos and halls, it brings the question of whether the UK government will continue to enforce masks indoors.

While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in the United States has relaxed restrictions. It stated that fully vaccinated people can avoid face masks in public places. But data shows that 45 percent of Americans oppose this.





Picture of Nassima Azmzm

Nassima Azmzm

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